среда, 7 декабря 2016 г.

Stretching Hip Flexors for the Severely Obese

Stretching Hip Flexors for the Severely Obese
Warrior I alleviates tight hip flexors.
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Tight hip flexors, which aid in lifting your knees and legs, can pull on your lower body muscles, creating tension in your hips and lower back. A sedentary lifestyle, or spending hours sitting at a desk, are one cause of tight hip flexors. Stretching alleviates this tightness and increases blood circulation, making it easier to move. Stretching your hip flexors may require modifications if you are severe obesity, with a body mass index greater than 40, but it does not diminish the need for or benefits of stretching.

Relieve Your Joints

Water exercises are non-weight bearing, which reduces the amount of stress placed on your joints. This makes the pool a comfortable place to stretch if stretching on land is uncomfortable or painful. Dynamic stretches for the hip flexors warm up the muscles and increases your range of motion. These types of stretches also burn calories, which can contribute to weight loss when combined with a healthy diet. Swim to the deep end of the pool and tread water for a few moments to warm up your legs. Straighten your back, then lift one knee as high as possible. Lower your leg, then lift your other knee. Complete the movement without bending your back, aiming for 10 lifts with each leg. If treading water is too difficult, walk out toward the deep end until you're standing up to your waist in water. This will be more challenging, because standing in water increases the resistance, so don’t be alarmed if you can’t complete as many lifts.

Use Support So You Can Focus

Holding on to a wall or low bench helps you balance when stretching, allowing you to focus solely on your flexors. Stand with your left side next to a wall or bench. Place your left hand on the support, and step your right foot forward about two feet. Extend your left leg behind your left hip and lift onto the toes of your left foot. Straighten your back and position your right knee over your right ankle. Shift your weight onto your right leg and lunge forward slightly, stopping when you feel a stretch in your left hip flexors. This stretch should not cause pain in your right leg, so don't shift as much weight if it does. Lower your shoulders slightly behind you to increase the stretch. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds, turn around and place your right hand on the support. Repeat on the opposite side to stretch your right leg.

Stretch Before You Sleep

Supine stretches don't require that you balance your body weight, and can be done on your bed, eliminating the need to lie on the floor or a workout mat. Lie on your bed, rest your arms by your sides and press your legs together. Lift your right leg off the bed, bend it and position your knee above your right hip. Lift your right heel into alignment with your right knee, then lower your right knee 45 degrees to your right. Pull your right knee forward while keeping the rest of your body stationary. Pause when you feel a stretch in your right hip flexor and groin. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, release and lower your leg to the bed. Lift your left leg and stretch your left side.

Strike a Pose

Yoga is an effective approach to reducing muscular tension while contributing to improvements in blood circulation, stress reduction and weight loss. Warrior I alleviates tightness in the hip flexors. If this pose is difficult or makes you lose your balance, widen your stance until you are comfortable. Stand up straight, step your right foot forward about three feet and point your toes forward. Externally rotate the toes of your left foot 45 degrees, then align your heels. Square your hips and shoulders. Align your right knee and right ankle, lift your arms overhead and press your palms together. Tilt your lower back and hips back slightly. You will feel a stretch in your left leg’s flexors. Hold this position for 20 to 60 seconds, then switch sides.

Judy Bruen is a private certified personal trainer and wellness coach. She holds dual master's degrees from Boston College in clinical social work and pastoral ministry. She currently works with individuals on fitness, health and lifestyle goals.

Original article and pictures take livehealthy.chron.com site

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